Comprised of seasoned tax lawyers, we utilitze our decades of combined experience in the public and private sectors to resolve the most complex and protracted tax matters effectively and efficiently. 


Our Leaders

Meet the driving forces behind Advantous Law’s innovation and success

Jason DeCuir, MBA, JD, LLM

Jason DeCuir, MBA, JD, LLM, a national expert in the field of state and local tax policy, has been practicing in this arena for over 20 years. Jason has been representing businesses across all industry sectors related to complex tax matters and he is also one of the state’s foremost policy experts within the walls of the State Capitol, advocating for sound tax policy ideas and reforms. Prior to joining Advantous as co-owner and partner, Jason represented industry sectors nationally in the areas of tax dispute, public policy, regulatory and legislative affairs. He began his career practicing as a tax attorney and spent three years at the Louisiana Department of Revenue as a gubernatorial appointee, where he spearheaded tax reform efforts and was responsible for the Office of Legal Affairs, Policy and Legislative Services and the Criminal Investigation Division.

Jason heads the governmental affairs and relations services and oversees business development. Jason holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Howard University, a Master of Business Administration from Louisiana Tech University, a Juris Doctor and Bachelor of Civil Law from the Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center and a Master of Law in Taxation from Georgetown University Law Center.

Jason R. Brown, Esq.

Jason R. Brown, Esq., is the Managing Partner of Advantous Law LLC, a Louisiana-based law firm focusing on State and Local Tax matters. He leads the Tax Controversy, Disputes and Appeals Practice.

For more than 20 years Jason has advised companies of all sizes on all aspects of Louisiana tax law. Jason practices, principally, in the area of tax controversy and dispute resolution, including high-stakes litigation before the Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals and Louisiana’s district and appellate courts. He assists clients at every stage of the audit, assessment and appeal processes, from audit intake, field work and review; to administrative protests and appeals. To the extent matters cannot be resolved at the administrative level, Jason is an experienced tax litigator, achieving many favorable decisions. His experience extends to all taxes imposed by the state of Louisiana and its various local jurisdictions, including sales/use; corporate income/franchise; severance; ad valorem (property); withholding; occupational license; hotel occupancy; and other excise and miscellaneous taxes levied by the state and local authorities. In the sales/use tax context, Jason has vast experience assisting clients with navigating Louisiana’s two-tiered, independent system of state and local tax levy, administration and enforcement. He also has significant experience in the thorny area of Louisiana tax procedure, ensuring taxpayers’ protest/appeal rights (in both the assessment and refund contexts) are protected.

In addition to his tax controversy work, Jason advises clients on tax planning opportunities, including credits and incentives; seeking and obtaining refunds (administratively and, after denial, through appeals to the Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals and the courts); voluntary disclosure agreements; private letter rulings; and in legislative matters (where he is often consulted to formulate and present taxpayers’ perspective – generally or by specific industry – on proposed substantive or procedural law).

Jason is a Principal Member of Independent SALT Alliance, an invitation-only association of respected state and local tax attorneys, CPAs and consultants from nearly every state in the country, where he previously served on the Board of Directors. He also serves on the planning committee for the annual ABA/IPT Advanced Sales/Use Tax Symposium.

Jason is a frequent presenter on state and local tax issues; regularly publishes updates and articles on state and local tax issues, most recently on digital advertising taxes in the ABA-Tax Section’s Tax Times publication; and is often consulted by general and legal news publications regarding Louisiana tax laws or the effects of national laws on Louisiana taxpayers. He has been a guest lecturer for Georgetown University Law Center’s State & Local Tax Certificate program and has served as an adjunct professor of law at Southern University Law Center. Jason participated as a Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD) 2019 Fellow and remains active with the LCLD Alumni organization. He received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Southern University Law Center in 2018 and was named to New Orleans CityBusiness’ Leadership in Law class in 2021. He also serves, as the appointed representative of the Louis A. Martinet Legal Society New Orleans and Baton Rouge Chapters, on the advisory committee that chooses the member of the Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals to serve as the Board’s Local Division Judge.

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